I've noticed that a lot of bloggers are doing this WIP Wednesday thing, and I think it's a great idea, so I'm going to join in. I'm hoping that this will get me to post more frequently, and to not just pop in with a finished object from time to time, then fade into the background again.
This post is full of old WIP's that have recently been put back into the rotation after months of sitting in time-out. I've been in an early spring cleaning frenzy lately, and it has extended to my knitting. I went through my sock yarn stash a couple of weeks ago and decided that though I really love the colors of handpainted yarns in the skein, I rarely love how they look when knit up. I knew it was time for a destash, and Ravelry came to my rescue. I sold or traded almost all of what I wanted to get rid of, and that made me feel so much better. I also went through my knitting baskets, and unearthed several projects that I had completely forgotten about.

First up is the Victoria shawl that I started last June. I found it crumpled up and buried in the bottom of a basket. I was knitting this for my mother, because the office she works in is overly air-conditioned, and she's always looking for something to keep her warm. I thought a shawl would be a nice thing for her to keep at work, and throw over her shoulders when she needed it. I have no idea why I set this aside, because it only took me a week to finish the body of the shawl. There were five 16-row repeats completed, and I had to knit twenty more. I enjoyed every stitch. I couldn't wait for my quiet evenings (you know, that precious time of day after the small people are snoozing happily in their beds) so I could curl up in bed with old Seinfeld episodes and my lace knitting. It doesn't look like much in the photo, because taking a picture of lace in progress is always a challenge, but it's coming along quite nicely. I finished the final body repeat last night, and began the border.
Next, the Winding Cable knee socks that I started last summer, but abandoned halfway through the foot of the first sock. Again, once I picked these socks up, I couldn't figure out why they were set aside. Well, the drunken cable part on the front is fun, but the twisted rib isn't quite as enjoyable. Still, I know that the first sock fits great, so that should be an incentive to get cracking on sock number two.
I am also working on a few baby knits for a friend who is due to have a baby girl in a few short weeks. I started knitting Elizabeth Zimmermann's February Baby Sweater from the Knitter's Almanac, but I ran out of yarn.
So I ripped, and started again, adjusting the sizing and gauge, and skipped out on the lace pattern because I couldn't get my numbers to work quite right, but still fell short of a finished sweater. Boo. I was disappointed, because the yarn is buttery soft handspun merino (from gorgeous roving that Keri sent me several months ago), but the four ounces of yarn that I have just weren't cutting it. That tail you see at the bottom of the photo is all I had left, with two inches of sweater body to go. Instead, I think I'll use this yarn to knit a soft, warm hat or bonnet, and maybe some little bootees. Tiny pink mary janes, or something. I still haven't had the heart to rip it out, but I did face the facts (not to mention the impending due date), and started a new February Baby sweater.

This time I used some leftover Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (color: Pink-a-boo), and will have plenty for this sweater, as well as a pair of Saartje's Bootees.
That's it for this week's WIP roundup. I do have some other projects that I'm working on here and there, but these ones have been my main focus. Things have been crazy around here. I spent Sunday evening getting my shop updated (there's still lots of good stuff available! I'm not above shameless self-promotion, you know), and I've been trying to get various other things taken care of before this week ends. It's funny, because we've had so much to do here this week, but time feels like it has slowed to a snail's pace. It was expected that Travis would return sometime next week, but he called today and told me that there was a possibility that he could be home this weekend. I'm trying not to get too excited, because I've been through this before, and I know that sometimes travel arrangements change, or weather holds things up, or whatever. It's difficult, though. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it's tough. It's funny, Travis returned from his last deployment on Super Bowl weekend, just in time to watch the Patriots win. Here we are a few years later, and he may be home in time to watch the Patriots play in the Super Bowl again. Well, I'm probably the only one who finds that amusing, but that's OK ;)
I highly doubt I'll get much in the way of sleep over the next few days, but I'm sure the blogging will be sparse, once again. Y'all are used to that by now, though, aren't you? I hope to stop in from time to time over the next month or so, but I have no idea how much knitting I'll even be able to get done. My regular schedule will probably continue for the first few weeks he's home, but only because he has to go through the whole weeklong "reintegration" process the Army has after returning from a deployment, and he also has to prepare his application for grad school (which, of course, is due at the beginning of April, and he hasn't been able to take care of it while deployed). It's mildly annoying, but I know that it won't last long. We'll still get to spend time together as a family (and I plan on hiring a babysitter so he and I can have an evening out, as well), and we also have a trip to Paris at the beginning of March to look forward to!
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